Friday, May 8, 2009

Are we controlled by advertising?

It's so weird to think that every idea that we have or anything that we want to buy was triggered by an ad we saw or a billboard we drove past. Are we brainwashed as a society or are we just easily influenced? We are exposed to ads every second without even realizing it. However, this may not be completely bad. How else would our society run if this wasn't the case? Businesses wouldn't survive because the world wouldn't know that their products even exist. People would lose their jobs and eventually our society would collapse. So as much as people criticize advertising, its actually the puzzle piece thats keeping our society together. So with this being said, I came to the conclusion that... ADVERTISING RUNS OUR SOCIETY.

Art & Advertising- Are they related?

YES. Advertising is art. I think that they definitely fall into the same category. I guess I would define art as self-expression and using your own creativity to express how you feel and get your point across to the others around you. This is what ads are too aren't they? They use different tactics to catch their audiences attention to ultimately get their point across. By using sounds, different lighting and certain picked out actors they work to pull you into their product that they are selling. This is also what an artist does, they pull you into their art piece and have you try to understand what their message that their trying to get across. Yes, I do think that advertising is more vocal about their purpose but I think that ultimately art does the same thing just in a more subtle way.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lynx/ Axe Caveman AD

This ad was done by BBH, London. We have seen alot of Axe/ Lynx ads in class but we have not seen this particular one. Honestly, I didn't like it very much I thought that it was bizarre and didn't go with the theme of the other Axe commercials. I felt that it was very random and not very effective. The cartoon feel didn't cut it for me.

Barclaycard waterslide AD

This commercial was done by BBH out of their London office. I chose this particular BBH ad because it was really funny and to be honest i was really intrigued as to how long it took them to set up this commercial. This ad was very entertaining and i personally loved it... so I wanted to share it on my blog!

"Enduring Skin"

This commerical was done by BBH out of their New York office. I LOVED this commercial. I thought that the lightning and shots that were shownt throughout the ad were unbelievable. It had such great effects and really caught my attention.

Audi R8

This Audi commercial was done by BBH out of their London office. The music and the slow tempo was what really drew me in to this particular ad. I thought that it was a very unique approach and I liked it. I loved how each piece of the car was slowly added and then at the end the full car was shown with the tagline "The slowest car we've ever built," which I thought was also very interesting.

Viral Ad- BBH

This viral ad was done by BBH, London. I love viral advertising because I feel like many times they get their point faster and more effective than the standard TV advertisment. This ad was for Graduate recruitment and I loved how BBH went about getting their message across. I thought it was very effective having young children tell their dreams and what they want to be when they grow up. It relayed the message that graduating with a degree can help you accomplish those goals that you've dreamed of since you were a child.

Library- Coca Cola

To be honest, this commercial kind of freaked me out. It was done by Wieden and Kennedy out of their Amsterdam office. It was very original don't get me wrong but I still thought that it was very bizarre. But maybe that was a good thing because it did catch my eye. I had never seen a Coke commercial like this one. I think Wieden and Kennedy did a great job of differentiating themselves from the rest of the advertising world.

Coca Cola Zero meets James Bond

To help promote the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, James Bond teams up with Coca Cola Zero. This tv commercial was made by Wieden and Kennedy out of their Portland office. I loved the creativity that was used throughout the ad. Such as, during all the chase scenes the sports cars used crisscrossed over the the landscape always forming a Coca-Cola bottle shape. I also liked how the commercial stays within the James Bond theme by having him defeat several villians in attempt to reach the girl (because of course, theres always a girl) and then reach his goal of recovering the Coke Zero bottle.

Coca Cola formula

This short and sweet commercial was done by Wieden and Kennedy out of their main Portland office. This ad really shows the world that Coke is a product that has been around for generations and is desired and envied by their competitors. I liked it because i felt that it showed Coke's tradtional image by using a red background with white lettering and then showing the tradtional coke bottle at the end. It was also kind of fiesty and aggressive in a way telling the world "you want our product's secret formula, but you'll never get it and therefore, never be as good as us."

"Just a friend"

This Heineken commercial was done by Wieden and Kennedy out of their Portland office. I absolutely LOVED this commercial. It's just fun and light-hearted. It made me smile watching it and put me in a good mood. We were not shown this commercial in class so I had to include it on my blog because it's pure entertainment.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Wieden and Kennedy- "Pass the Cheer"

We did not see this particular ad in class by Wieden and Kennedy but i wanted to show it because I really enjoyed it. It gave me a "feel good" feeling that I loved. It is an ad for starbucks and something about it instanty drew me in. It had a very childish and fairy tale feel to it that I really enjoyed. It made me think of the Holidays and made me want to be with my family. Wieden and Kennedy did a great job with this ad because they really aimed it towards all ages: children, teens and even adults.


This rather bizzare commemrcial was done by VitroRobertson out of their LA office. I found this commercial to be rather strange and was definately not my favorite ad that I've seen so far throughout the semester. But I have to give VitroRobertson credit because it was definately quite unique.

Ford Focus- "beautifully arranged"

This is an ad where I think that art and advertising truly come together. It incorporates music and the product and brings them together as one. This ad was done by Dailey and Associates advertising agency out of their LA office. We talked about the concept of advertising and art in class but after watching this commercial I think it actually comes to life. I believe that advertising is art and this ad is my proof. Arts can be incorporated into advertising and when they do I think the ad becomes that much stronger and has a greater effect on the audience.

Audi Ad

This commerical was done by Venables Bells & Partners out of their main San Francisco office. All of the action in the ad really caught my attention and i loved it!

Alaska Airlines

This commercial was done by Wongdoody advertising agency out of their Seattle office. I loved this commercial because it was so entertaining. I thought that it was a very creative way to advertise for an airlines company. Overall, I thought Wongdoody did a great job with this particular ad.